查阅好多资料,也无法找到NET payment 的来源, 经过多方考察,NET PAYMENT 一般都是美国和英国在使用,其他国家基本不使用。
下面我们详细讲一下NET payment的解释。
比较常见的net条款,一般是NET 7, NET 14, NET 15 或者NET 30。

NET 7 的标准翻译为: Payment of the net amount outstanding on the invoice is due seven calendar days after the date of the invoice. 简单说就是,发票日期7日内付款。 注意不是7个工作日。也不是收到货之后7日内付款。
同理,NET14, 就是发票日期14日内付款。 以此类推NET 15, NET 30,NET 60, NET 90.
这里面涉及到发票日期的问题,很多朋友肯定想了,那把发票日期提前做几天就可以。 实际操作中,有时候我们的发票日期会提前,比如今天7.23日给客户做发票,我们可能会把发票日期写成7.20日。 那是不是这样NET 7就必须在7.27日内必须付款呢?
然并卵, 现在我们大部分发票都使用电子邮件的来邮寄了,但是以前都是用信封快递的方式寄送发票,信封的寄送时间可能就不仅仅是7日,所以,理论上是以发票日期7日内付款,实际操作是以收到发票的日期来计算。
有一个NET 条款很有意思需要解释下, 2/12 NET30,或者2%12NET 30, 具体要求为:发票30天内付款,如果12天内付款优惠折扣2%
实际上大多数人都不太理解net条款,为了避免出现异议,建议用“due”来代替,比如NET 7,可以写成“payment is due in 7 days”或“payment is due within 30days.”.
Abbreviation | Description |
CWO | Cash with Order |
CIA | Cash in Advance |
CBS | Cash before Shipment |
COD | Cash on Delivery |
Upon Receipt | Payment due Immediately Upon Delivery of Invoice |
EOM | End of Month. Payment is due at the end of the month of the invoice |
Net Monthly Account | Payment is due at the end of the month following the month of the invoice |
30 days End of Month | Payment is due at the end of the month following the month of the invoice |
60 days End of Month | Payment is due at the end of the second month following the month of the invoice |
Net 7 or 7 Days | Payment of the net amount outstanding on the invoice is due seven calendar days after the date of the invoice |
Net 14 or 14 Days | Payment of the net amount outstanding on the invoice is due fourteen calendar days after the date of the invoice |
Net 15 | Payment of the net amount outstanding on the invoice is due fifteen calendar days after the date of the invoice |
Net 30 | Payment of the net amount outstanding on the invoice is due thirty calendar days after the date of the invoice |
Net 60 | Payment of the net amount outstanding on the invoice is due sixty calendar days after the date of the invoice |
2% 10 Net 30 | Payment of the invoice is due within thirty calendar days but payments within 10 days can take a discount of 2% |
21 MFI | The 21st of the month following the invoice month |
CND | Cash Next Delivery |
1MD | Monthly credit payment of a full month’s supply |
2MD | Monthly credit payment of a full month’s supply plus an extra calendar month |