Forfly 翔!
Mr. Le's personal blog, life, love and others. 人生就像是旅行,不必在乎目的地,只在乎沿途的风景!
All Rights reserved by Mr. Le




1. 首先说一下巴西海关监管制度:

2. 巴西海关的清关程序:

3. 巴西海关对进口单证的要求:




b.正本提单须显示运费,绝对不能显示”As agreed”或”0.00″。
c.在收货人一栏中须显示CNPJ代号;CNPJ is an identification number issued to Brazilian companies by the Secretariat of the Federal
e. 必须提供正本商业发票。
f. 货物价值超过5000美元的不能走快递,只能走空运或者海运,不能走快递。
g. 巴西不接受手写的文件。提单需要客户的CNPJ号码,如果套单,主单需要国外代理的CNPJ,分单需要收货人的CNPJ号码。
h. 一定要等国外客户或代理确认之后,按照其发货指示(SHIPPING INSTRUCTION)来制定单据。如果套单,要在船离港后提前发送商业发票,因为有些产品需要办理进口许可证。
i. CEP后面的数字是巴西的邮政编码,一般是xxxxx-000。
j. 巴西所有的箱单发票最好都写上客户的CNPJ,便于客户清关。
K. 巴西不接受DDP条款。

a.  显示运费,PURCHASE ORDER必须和COMMERCIAL INVOICE的显示号码相吻合,否则将有罚金产生,船开前必须提供所显示运费价格。
b.  除了巴西的PARANAGUA,其余各地都需显示CNPJ号码。巴西必须提供货物的NCM号码, CNPJ由进口商提供(相当于中国这里的出口企业10编码),NCM则相当于HS编码
c.  RIO DE JANEIRO提单上品名不可用配件统称.
4. 海关其它规定


5. 向巴西出口水产品企业办理注册手续须知
a  企业商号;
b  所在国卫生部门的企业登记号;
c  企业的详细地址;
d  出口产品名称。

CRI number – – 尼日利亚 (LAGOS)-显示在货描
ARC number – – 安哥拉 (LUANDA & LOBITO) -显示在货描
若货值超过USD5000,还需要提供import licence number.
IDF number – – 加纳(TEMA)- 显示在货描
CNPJ number — 巴西 (BRAZIL)公司注册号 –显示在收货人或通知人栏。
AT number–ISRAEL (ASHDOD & HAIFA) 显示在收货人或通知人栏或在货描

如何进口到巴西:How to Import to Brazil
Brazil has three different types of control over import operations:


1) the administrative control or administrative stage (by the Brazilian public administration in general: import licenses, health surveillance, quality control, etc.);

2) the customs control or customs clearance stage (by the Brazilian Federal Internal Revenue);

3) the financial control or currency stage (by the Brazilian Central Bank). All these types of control are regulated under a unified computerized system, known by its acronym, SISCOMEX.

Only Brazilian companies can obtain the import registration through the SISCOMEX – also known as “RADAR” certification, the tracking register for stakeholders of international trade operations. Therefore, if foreigners want to import to Brazil, they must either incorporate a Brazilian company or assign a local partner (or a trading company) to be responsible for the import process. To sum up, the steps to import goods in Brazil are:  只有巴西注册公司可以进口。

1) Incorporation of an Import Company and the obtaining of the RADAR certification (or the assigning of a local Brazilian company that will perform the import operation);

2) Negotiation between exporter and importer and the drafting of the contract for the international sale of goods between both parties. There are some restrictions for this kind of contract. For example, the DDP (Delivery Duty Paid) Incoterm is prohibited in Brazil; 巴西不能做DDP

3) Drafting of the Pro Forma Invoice and other commercial documents by the exporter. These will have to be sent to the importer in Brazil;

4) Obtaining the Import License by the importer in Brazil (this may require special approval from Brazilian agencies such as ANVISA or ANATEL);

5) Drafting of the Foreign Exchange Operation Contract (if the payment will be made in foreign currency);

6) Shipment of the goods in the country of origin. The exporter will have to send all necessary documentation to the Brazilian importer (for example: shipping information, commercial invoice, certificate of origin);

7) Customs clearance in Brazil and the payment of all taxes. The importer will be responsible to prepare the Import Declaration (DI). At the end of the operation, the importer will receive a document from SISCOMEX called “Proof of import”, that proves that the goods have been nationalized in Brazil.


At the time of the customs clearance, the party in the contract responsible for the customs clearance (usually the purchaser) will have to pay all the Brazilian taxes. Basically, the following taxes can be due on any import operations:

• Import Duty: a Federal Tax of which rate varies according to classification of the goods in the Mercosul (Southern Common Market) Common Nomenclature (NCM), similar to the HS Codes;

• IPI: a Federal Tax on industrialized products, a kind of VAT (value added tax);

• ICMS: a State Tax on the circulation of products and services, which is also a VAT;

• PIS and COFINS: social contributions intended to finance social security;

• CIDE: another type of contribution for certain economic segments (for example: fuels);

• AFRMM: a tax on goods imported to Brazil by sea, intended for the renewal of the Brazilian Merchant Fleet.

These taxes will not be due on all import operations in Brazil. Many products, for example, are exempt from the IPI Tax. It is necessary to analyze each product’s NCM codes to define more precisely all the taxes that will be due. Another example are products originated from the Mercosul (Southern Common Market) Customs Union and Free Trade Zone in South America, which will be exempt from the AFRMM tax.


The import license is a type of administrative control in Brazil. There are two types of import licenses in Brazil: the Automatic license: (granted to most products imported to Brazil) and the non-automatic license. In the second case, authorization from a Brazilian Agency will be necessary, depending on the product, for example:

• The Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA);

• The Brazilian Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL);

• The Brazilian Institute of Environment (IBAMA);

• The National Petroleum Agency (ANP).

Importing to Brazil without an import license when it is necessary can result in several penalties for the importer, including the confiscation of the goods and governmental fines.


There are three import categories or procedures in Brazil: “Direct Import”, the “Import under Order” and “Import on Behalf of Others”. Whereas the “Direct Import” is the most common and most simple way to import in Brazil, “Import on Behalf” and “Import under Order” are two types of outsourcing of import operations. Usually this service is outsourced to a Trading Company in Brazil, that will later resell the product to another Company or purchaser.

Each of these methods will have a distinct tax liability and will affect the costs (and, therefore, the price) of the product to be purchased in Brazil. The best modality for each operation will depend on the type of product that the exporter will sell in Brazil.

On the “Direct Import”, the importer will purchase the goods with its own resources and will be responsible for the customs clearance of the goods.

The “Import on Behalf of Others” is regulated by the Normative Instructions of the Brazilian Federal Internal Revenue Nº. 225 and 247, both from 2002. In this case, the import service will be provided by a Company (the importer) that will be responsible for the customs clearance of the goods, but the purchaser will have ownership of the goods. One should notice that this operation will only be considered legal if there is a contract between the importer and the final purchaser. Both importer and purchaser must be registered on SISCOMEX.

The “Import under Order” is regulated by the National Act of the Brazilian Federal Internal Revenue Nº. 11281 of 2006 and the Normative Instruction No. 634 of 2006. In this case, the importer will purchase the goods under its own name and resell them to the final purchaser. There will be an ownership transfer operation. While “Import on Behalf” is considered a service operation, the “Import under Order” is considered a purchase operation. In this case, a contract is also necessary between the parties and both must be registered on SISCOMEX, but the final purchaser can be registered under the simplified registry.


Besides the three import modalities in Brazil, there are many ways to perform the payment of the operation.

• Payment in advance;

• Remittance without draft;

• Payment in full upon delivery;

• Deferred payment;

• Letter of credit;

• Financial transfer.

The modality of payment will have to be specified on the contract for the sale of goods between the exporter and the importer:





